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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Shopping is Growing!!

Hello, Lovely Tatters!  Here I am again.  I'm actually writing this ahead of posting because I want to be sure I have everything in here that I've been working on the last few days.

I have TWO more shops for you!  

First up is Romni Wools on Queen St. West in Toronto!  These folks are predominantly a store that caters to the knitting and crochet crowd, but they do recognize that tatting is an important and growing art form and are stocking more for knotty folks like us.  I received an email from them and Rachel has kindly provided photos of the items they've not yet had a chance to add to their shopping site.


Needles and Shuttles and Thread, oh MY!

Romni Wools has a lovely and easy to navigate website address at where you can shop from the leisure of your own home.  If you're a "gotta touch it shopper", their brick and mortar shop, located at 658 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON., is open 11-5 Monday through Saturday.  You can email them at, or call them at 416-703-0202.  Tell them you heard about them from me!  

Pursuant my recent interview with Karen Negus, she also has an Etsy site where she sells a great many things, including some truly interesting patterns! This is one of the patterns available:

Karen calls this the "Milk Hill Crop Circle" and the pattern is on her Etsy site.  I love this and can see it used many different ways.

Karen is based in Nova Scotia, and if you've been there, you know there are any number of beautiful things there to offer inspiration to designers.  I invite you to visit her site and browse through.  You won't be disappointed!

Have a look at her shoppe here: She does wonderful things by tatting with yarn, believe it or not, and she is very easy to speak with if you have questions or need more information.

I'm hoping to have some other resources for you shortly.  Please support Canadian shops.  I wrote before that they can't stock a lot if they don't have the business. I was told by one proprietress that they are actually penalized if they don't purchase a specific amount!  And that's from a CANADIAN supplier!  Sounds counter-productive on the part of the supplier to me, but we need to ensure that the Canadian stores continue to be available.  As they say, shop local as much as possible!

Happy Tatting!

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